Muni’s first event outside of Manila will be a laid-back, no pressure hang out. For this, we team up with EntrepsBuildPH for a night of idea exchanges on conscious consumption & social entrepreneurship! 🙂
Jen Horn of Muni PH and Noreen Bautista of Jacinto & Lirio and EntrepsBuildPH [] will also briefly share their stories, and an open discussion and exchange of ideas will follow.
You can also view our Facebook event page here, but to confirm your attendance, please RSVP by filling out this short form. (We don’t really believe people who simply click JOIN on a Facebook event, hehe.)
Fuel.PH is located at Door 7, Smallville Complex, Diversion Road, Iloilo city. Looking forward to landing in Iloilo!!
To see what other awesome events we’ve got in store for you, check out our events calendar.