Muni on this:
When was the last time you actually sat down to have a quiet moment to yourself and focus on the ‘now’?
After a long day of work, class, or the usual stressful day-to-day living, our mind and body get bogged down by too much stress and unnecessary weight. There will be times when you would feel like it’s really too much to carry. Sometimes, a deceptively simple (and paradoxical) solution is to pause for a moment, so that we can continue on with our lives in a more fruitful way. And the practice of meditation is a constant reminder of that.
I’ve been wanting to try out meditation for a long time now, and last Saturday, I was fortunate enough to join Muni PH & White Space’s Meditation and Mindfulness class.
It was an intimate session that started with introductions and expectations on the class. Just like me, my classmates wanted a time off from the fast-paced life. Our teacher, Sarah Salcedo-Rubin, a Meditation and Reiki Master, explained to us that meditation is not meant to empty our minds and to stop our thoughts. Instead, it’s more of finding a way to go through all the thoughts or noise that we have, may it be about our work, relationships or anything else.
It’s very natural in me to worry whether I’m doing this and that the right way or if I look silly. And although we had our eyes closed the entire session, I still felt a bit conscious, but with the guidance of our teacher, I meditated and focused on my breathing.
When we lose our focus and notice our mind wandering, Sarah said to just acknowledge the distraction and slowly go back to focusing on our breathing. With eyes closed, palms facing up, I refocused on my breathing. She really guided us well, helped us focus and I learned to course all the thoughts in my head. There were times when I drifted but Sarah pulled me back. I knew I was back on track when I started seeing blobs of glowing thick lights, moving and curling like waves. It was unreal.
White Space is a very relaxing place to have a class in. Aside from meditation, White Space also offers Yoga, Reiki, T’ai Chi , Pilates to give you more holistic mind and body wellness. Their teachers are such calm beings, that somehow any negative vibes you bring to class dissipate in their presence. Teacher Sarah was very encouraging and friendly too, and she even stayed with us after the class to ensure that she answered our questions about meditation.
Serene meditation space at White Space Mind & Body Wellness Studio
With our teacher Sarah Salcedo-Rubin of White Space (at the rightmost)
Meditation is not an instant cure to all problems. I understand that it is something I have to constantly practice to fully reap its rewards. I look forward to having deeper concentration and calmness, more interesting experiences during meditation, and meeting kindred spirits exploring meditation as well. It might take months to achieve all these, but in the meantime I’d prefer to just relax and focus on the practice.
Have you explored meditation for yourself? What was your first experience like?
White Space Mind & Body Wellness Studio 6/f Regis Center, Katipunan, Quezon City, Philippines 1108 +632 577 0345