“You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking back.” – Steve Jobs
Oftentimes, our stories aren’t so clear to us from the get-go, until we go out there and actually start doing stuff. It’s then that we can really see what patterns unfolded in our lives, what monumental shifts happened, how we changed and grew, and what new chapters we now want to write moving forward.
It’s all about creating connection. It allows us to better understand our own journey, while helping others join our journey too.
Realizing your story also helps you solidify your own purpose and motivation while simultaneously drawing in the right kind of people who will support you in your endeavor, whether as your team, collaborators, or customers.
But how do we really find this story that we wish to share? What is the best way to tell it? And how do we get the right people to listen and be moved to action? This is what we wanted to dive into at the MUNI Meetup on Storytelling last August 3, 2016.
Also present at the event were some of of our regular MUNI Market food and beverage merchants, Jertie’s Kitchen, serving vegan nibbles and pastries, and Nipa Brew, serving locally brewed craft beer.
In an effort to showcase how meaningful stories can emerge no matter what field you’re in, we chose to invite 5 founders: Ron Dizon of Bayani Brew, Marvin Conanan of Purveyr, Patch Dulay of The Spark Project and Deane Miguel & Lester Cruz of Serious Studio to share about:
How they found their story
The best way/s they’ve found to tell it
How they got people to listen
“Don’t just pursue your passion, pursue your contribution.” – Ron Dizon of @bayanibrew quoting useful things he sees on Facebook — MUNI (@Muni_PH) August 3, 2016
“When you mix authenticity and detail, you get their attention.” – @serious_studio on how they get people to listen to their story #MUNIMeetup — MUNI (@Muni_PH) August 3, 2016
To summarize the lesson she learned that night, host Kylie Misa shared:
“Storytelling is so powerful because of how it can impact other people through connection. Paradoxically, storytelling is also about listening – to your true self and to your audience. Listening is important because it’s not a one-way street and it makes your story not just yours but everyone else’s. In the end, your biggest advocates will be the ones who have listened to your story and connect to it. They will be the one to tell your story to the rest of the world.”
So, what’s your story?
Save the date for the next MUNI Meetup scheduled on October 5, 2016 at A Space. Subscribe to our newsletter or Facebook events for updates when more details (topic, program, speakers, etc.) come up.
Also bookmark your Saturdays in September 2016 for our pilot program for: DETOX • DECLUTTER • DESIGN [FOR ORGANIZATIONS] A Mindful Workshop Series by MUNI
The first of the series with Niña Terol & Serious Studio on TELLING YOUR COMPELLING STORY. More info coming soon! Again, subscribe to our newsletter or Facebook events for updates when more details (program, venue, registration, etc.) come up.