Muni on this:
As the year comes to a close, do you find yourself looking back at the year that has passed and thinking of the resolutions you managed not to keep again in 2012?
Don’t be so hard on yourself. We know how easy it is to get caught up with the daily hustle of urban life, and lose sight of things that help us lead more fulfilling lives.
2013 is another year. Like all other years before. But we hope that through easy-to-digest content, and a supportive community, Muni can help you approach things differently, and manage to stick to the following resolutions:
Eat better Choose food that is good for your body, is produced sustainably, and just tastes fresher and better. Period. We’ll showcase different food producers, veg-friendly restaurants, and share simple recipes you can do at home too.
Get fit Apply some of our suggestions to improve well-being and minimize your carbon footprint (i.e. walking to places within a 1KM radius), then consider it a bonus if you check the scale weeks later and find that you’ve shed some excess pounds.
Read to grow Educate yourself a little every day. We try to keep our content meaningful but short & simple so that hopefully, your attention span can hack it and what we share inspires you to action.
Learn something new Upcycled crafting, urban gardening, sustainable production, veg cooking, social innovation, yoga, or meditation — a new experience can help you see the world with a renewed perspective. Apart from our articles, we plan to host occasional workshops for you to learn new things and meet others. Keep checking our event calendar for upcoming schedules.
Reduce clutter Give away stuff you haven’t used in over 6 months to someone who can use it, instead of letting it uselessly catch dust on your shelves. Organize a garage sale, or donate stuff to relief drives.
Save more / live with less “Advertising has us chasing cars and clothes, working jobs we hate so we can buy shit we don’t need,” says Tyler Durden in Fight Club. This is not to say we all hate our jobs, but that maybe we should realize that we don’t need so much stuff, then maybe, we’d stop stressing excessively about work.
Buy consciously Support entrepreneurs who create meaningful products that are smart, provide livelihood, use indigenous materials, produce minimal waste, or all of the above. Stay on the lookout for another Muni Pop-Up Shop or two in 2013.
Explore the Philippines Discover more about Philippine people, food, and industry in certain places vs. automatically seeking to travel abroad, and travel to see beyond the tourist checklist, relish the experience, support livelihood, and leave the smallest environmental footprint possible.
Discover local culture Learn more about local art, events, traditions, and industries from across the nation that you’d be proud to share to visiting and potential tourists.
Mind your mind Slow down, take a breath and mind your mind — something that we take for granted but need all the more in our wired, (ineffectively) multi-tasking society.
Cut the crap Reduce the waste you produce with simple tips from our Cut The Crap section. Start by simply bringing around your own water bottle.
Help others Be more conscious of how you interact with others, support local arts and industries, minimize your environmental impact, or even simply share helpful Muni articles / events to your social networks.
Meet new people Widen your perspective, welcome new ideas, and find individuals / groups to learn from or collaborate with. Muni loves being the link between people who can do great things together. Keep checking our event calendar for a Muni meet-up near you.
We’ve only been around for a little over a month, but we’ve got a lot of plans for the Muni community in 2013. We certainly hope you’ll be part of it, and that you’ll make these resolutions with us. The important thing to remember is that we can effect great change by just being more mindful about the little choices we make each day.
Got other suggestions on how we can carry out our 13 resolutions? Leave a comment, contribute or email us! 🙂